A workshop on “Modern financial instruments in the cross-border region – opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises” was organized in Blagoevgrad

A workshop on “Modern financial instruments in the cross-border region – opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises” was organized in Blagoevgrad

On May 22, 2023 in room 213 (Education building No. 8) of the Faculty of Economics of the Neophyt Rilski State University in the city of Blagoevgrad, a workshop was held on the topic “Modern financial instruments in the cross-border region – the possibilities for small and medium-sized enterprises’.

In front of teachers, students and PhD students from the university, experts from the Chamber of Commerce – Sandanski presented the various financial instruments that are available for small and medium-sized businesses, such as private and venture capital funds, business angels, crowdfunding platforms, startup accelerators.

The seminar has been a part of the activities of the project “Promotion of modern financial instruments in the cross-border region” (Financial Instrument), No. В6.3а.21/13.04.2021, financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A “Greece – Bulgaria” 2014 – 2020 .